# 10th Congress of Federation of Indian Physiological Societies (FIPS)-2024 is being organised by AIIMS Patna during 21-26 Oct 2024  

About FIPS

The FIPS is a scientific federation of all the physiologists of this country. It is affiliated to the Federation of Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies. The Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India (APPI),. Physiologists Society of India (PSI), Indian Society for Comparative Animal Physiology (ISCAP) and Society for Animal Physiologists of India (SAPI) are its constituents societies.  These societies represent physiologists from medical science stream, science stream, comparative animal science and veterinary science. In addition to its prime duty of facilitating the interaction of physiologists working under various disciplines in India, it also forms the nodal point for the interaction of various physiological societies of the country with the international bodies. 

  A meeting of eminent physiologist in the country and the office bearers of different Physiological Societies of India was held at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi in October 1990. The meeting emphasized the necessity of having a Federation of Indian Physiological Societies which would facilitate the scientific interaction between physiologist of this country with their international counterpart. This meeting also recognized that it would be an advantages to have a unified approach to various problems of physiological sciences in the country. It further pointed out that with the proposed formation of a  Federation of Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies, the Indian Federation can be the constituent organization from the country. It was agreed upon that Federation should be of such a nature as to allow independent working of each Society that will affiliate with the Federation. The constitution of the Federation and its philosophy was approved by the executive bodies of the four constituent societies by 1991.  An ad hoc Executive Council of the Federation  was formed. On 20th September 1991, the Federation of Indian Physiological Society (FIPS) was registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860.

The Federation had its First Congress held in 1995 at Delhi, Second Congress at Tirupati and third at Science City, Calcutta during 24-26 November 2000  and forth congress at Delhi during 11-13 January 2007. The Fifth Congress of FIPS was held at SV University, Tirupati during Sep/Oct 2013. The 6th FIPS congress was organised by PSI at Kolkata University in year 2015. 7th Congress was organised by DIPAS during 5-7 Nov 2017 at Delhi. 8th congress was orgnaised by ESCI Medical College Faridabad during 27-29 Sep 2019. 9th FIPS conference was organised by NIPER, Hyderabad during 25-27 March 2022.

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FIPS 2024 Registration Link

Please contact:

Department of Physiology
BIHAR, India
Mob: +91-7479733436, Website:fipsassopicon2024.co.in
or fipsassopicon2024[@]gmail[.]com